Codemurai is now live on both Android and iOS:
If you pre-ordered all 16 courses via this page or Kickstarter, follow these instructions to redeem your reward!
How and when will this be delivered?
We’ll have all the content ready by December 2016 at the very latest. You’ll receive an email with access instructions and a coupon to unlock all 16 interactive courses.
Demo ( contact us after purchasing to get Early Access, indicating whether you are an iOS or Android user.)
Courses included
1. Web development
- HTML – completed!
- CSS – completed!
- JavaScript – completed!
- ES6 – completed!
- TypeScript – completed!
- Angular 2 – final review phase
- React – completed!
- MongoDB – completed!
- Node.js – in the making
2. Game development
- Phaser – completed!
3. Mobile app developmentSwift
- Swift – completed!
- Object-oriented Swif– completed!
- iOS development SDK basics – in the making
- Java– completed!
- Object-oriented Java– completed!
- Android development SDK basics– completed!
Learn to create your own websites, games and mobile apps. Anywhere, at any time.
Codemurai is a mobile app that allows you to learn programming on the go. Whether your goal is to create websites, mobile apps or games, with Codemurai’s bite-sized lessons you can grab all the skills you need, anywhere, anytime!
Codemurai will be available on iOS and Android. Screenshots of our first alpha bellow (click to enlarge):
Learn to make websites, games and apps while waiting for a bus or at an airport. Codemurai’s lessons are short, to the point and full of interactive exercises created specially for phone screens.
Turn the process of gaining high-demand Real World skills into something truly engaging. Complete challenges and unlock new exciting content.
Newbies and advanced programmers welcome. Courses for both absolute beginners and advanced programmers will be included in this app. Every journey starts with a single step and the best step you can take will be Codemurai.
See the section “What skills you will gain in Codemurai” for a full list of topics included.
We are taking all the experience we’ve gained from teaching 150 thousand students at ZENVA and our previous Kickstarter campaign and we are putting in all into this one awesome project.
This is our vision on how we can leverage technology to make learning to code on the phone both fun and effective.
Codemurai has an in-built gamification layer which rewards you as you make progress and gain new skills. This makes the learning experience much more fun and rewarding.
Course modules are made of individual lessons and a final exam. Lessons are bite-sized and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. The content will be highly interactive, with lots of quizzes, mini-challenges and examples.
Users can revisit their completed modules at any point in time and repeat lessons and exams.
PROJECT UPDATE – See the first lesson of Codemurai in action!