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Learn how to make your own multi-level, top-down action RPG game with Phaser 3 and Tiled, and start mastering this ever-popular game style.
Discover how to create playable characters that can move around the map, pick up collectibles, and shoot and take damage from enemies – all while gaining a fundamental understanding of RPG game development concepts, which you can apply to your own unique game projects.
This extraordinarily comprehensive course will teach you how to:
Use Tiled with Phaser 3
- Installing the Tiled Map Editor
- Adding Sprites and Objects to levels
- Create game maps with Tiled and export them into Phaser
Set up your project
- Use Webpack to split your code into multiple files and bundle it into a build file
- Utilize newer JavaScript features by using Babel, NPM, Node.js and ES6
- Scale your game so that it resizes as the window does.
Work with Levels
- Transition between Phaser scenes to access different levels
- Pass data between scenes to maintain player state between levels
Manage Player and Object Interaction
- Add the player to the game and listen for input to enable player movement
- Handle collisions between the player and game objects in blocked layers
- Update the camera to follow the player
- Creating collectible coins by making sprites interactive
…and much more!