Explore Excel’s data tools for advanced data management!
Given the amount of data that can be obtained every day, understanding how to clean, manipulate, and manage data to reach your goals is vitally important. Excel’s various data tools are used across many different industries to automate this process, ensuring that efficiency is a key component of any data management activity.
From organizing your data to simplifying data processing, this course will show you the fundamentals of using Excel’s data tools. You’ll also learn key skills in managing and searching the data for analysis, helping you to gain invaluable insights into your projects.
Whatever Excel task comes your way, you’ll be prepared to arrange your data quickly and ensure your data is sanitized for whatever your project might need.
This course assumes basic familiarity with Excel.
You will learn how to:
- Prevent bad data with data validation
- Separate text in a column
- Remove duplicate data
- Utilize flash fill to fill in data
- Seek values by testing what-if scenarios
- Utilize data tables and types for analysis